Ready to login?

Teachers log-in at Exam Professor. Students may log-in here or at their teacher's web site if they are pre-registered. Self-registration and/or paid access is via embedded exams only.

Development Roadmap

A quick look at what we think are priorities in our development, as well as approximate percentages of completion.
New settings section in admin

100% Complete - Account Settings

Added annual and biennial plans, logo upload for student login screen and email headers. We also added ability to send sales to your Stripe or PayPal account.

New reports section in admin

100% Complete - Reports

Added send certificates, new interface, regrade, and filter reports by class, student, exam, or date range.

New sales section in admin

100% Complete - Sales

View all your sales in one place, print off invoices, get totals, see associated fees, and collect payments to your Stripe or PayPal account manually or automatically.

New teachers section in admin

100% Complete - Teachers

New method to import CSV text files, and applied new interface. Teachers now have 3 different roles as admin, additional teacher, and student managers.

New students section in admin

100% Complete - Students

New method to import CSV text files, and applied new interface. Teachers can now view self-registered students that have paid for exams.

New classes section planned in admin

100% Complete - Classes

We applied a new interface, modernized the backend code, and added the ability to send login info to the whole class.

New enrollment section planned in admin

90% Complete - Enrollment

We have enhanced the user-experience and easy of use. We still wish to add multi-student actions, like mass send enrollment emails.

New exams section planned in admin

100% Complete - Exams

We have enhanced the user-experience and easy of use. We will be revisiting this section to add features during rebuild of the student exam interface.

New questions section planned in admin

80% Complete - Questions

Still to do: 6 additional question types, question sharing between teachers, and select from categories.

New question bank planned in admin

30% Complete - Question Bank

We will be adding the ability to store, search, and find question by tags. Teachers will be able to select from, share, and select questions from the bank.

Additional development planned

Feature Percent Done Estimated Date Complete
Student exams interface (HTML 5 + Angular JS) 100% Fall 2014
Sell exams in multiple currencies 100% Winter 2016
Regrading of exams 100% Winter 2016
White label emails 100% Fall 2016
Teacher interface (HTML 5 + Angular JS) 70% Summer 2018
Custom certificates 0% Summer 2018

We know you have great ideas, and we would love to hear them. If you have a suggestion for an improvement or a new feature. Please tell us about it.